Wednesday, September 30, 2020


from Unsplash by Jakub Kriz

Dark and Deep

For things that scurry, things that creep,
the woods are lovely, dark and deep.
While sunshine shimmers high I’m fine
to play among the dappled pine.
But when the sun sinks low and hides
its warmth and cheer, the dusk divides
the day from night; I feel a chill
as fog falls fast. A screech owl’s shrill
and eerie shriek is all I need
to turn my feet with fear-filled speed
towards home and leave the dark and deep
to things that scurry, things that creep.

© September 2020 Rebekah Hoeft

It's writing contest time!  Between October 1-October 3, 2020, post a fall-themed poem or story on your blog or in the comment section at Lydia Lukidis's #FallWritingFrenzy. You  can find more information on her blog. 

Susanna Leonard Hill's Valentiny Writing Contest - Not So Perfect Valentines

  It's that time of year --  Susanna Leonard Hill's Valentiney writing contest . This year, writers are to compose a Valentine's...