Wednesday, September 30, 2020


from Unsplash by Jakub Kriz

Dark and Deep

For things that scurry, things that creep,
the woods are lovely, dark and deep.
While sunshine shimmers high I’m fine
to play among the dappled pine.
But when the sun sinks low and hides
its warmth and cheer, the dusk divides
the day from night; I feel a chill
as fog falls fast. A screech owl’s shrill
and eerie shriek is all I need
to turn my feet with fear-filled speed
towards home and leave the dark and deep
to things that scurry, things that creep.

© September 2020 Rebekah Hoeft

It's writing contest time!  Between October 1-October 3, 2020, post a fall-themed poem or story on your blog or in the comment section at Lydia Lukidis's #FallWritingFrenzy. You  can find more information on her blog. 


  1. Love the poem, Rebekah, and how it circles back from the first to last line! So witty and hope you win a prize!

    Rhys Keller

  2. Love this, fabulous rhythm rhyme! Good luck!

  3. This is brilliant, great job, Rebekah!!

  4. I totally agree with the sentiments of your poem! I really like how the beginning line is the ending line, as well as the images you have related. Good luck!

    1. I walked in the woods in the dusk/dark a couple nights ago--will not be doing that again anytime soon!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I can feel the panic build through your rhythm and language. Great creepy poem!!

  6. I love the allusion to Frost's poem, Rebekah! So visual, I felt like I was there! Great job!

  7. This is my favorite line--to turn my feet with fear-filled speed. Nicely done. The pace is perfect.

  8. Love the atmosphere of your circular, lyrical poem. Well done. Good luck!

  9. This is amazing! It sounds great read aloud, too. Good luck, Rebekah!

  10. You have such lovely language in this piece. Excellent job creating an atmosphere for us to experience! I especially loved the first two lines, and the dappled pine. Good luck!

  11. Such beautiful rhythm and rhyme! Lovely language--so well done! <3

  12. I love how your Fall Writing Frenzy poem references Frost's winter classic! Like his, yours is a haunting yet enchanting atmospheric piece with lovely meter and rhyme. However, your poem is even more universally relatable (at least for those of us who don't have a pony with bells on!). And whereas Frost's narrator is "stopping," your narrator and poem scurry along, sweeping up the reader with every racing beat to the brilliant, breathless end.

    1. Thanks, Anne! Stopping By the Woods was the first poem I remember having to memorize--so many years ago! It's stuck with me for decades!

  13. I enjoyed your atmospheric poem! Great job.

  14. I love this side of the season and I think you embodied it so perfectly. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Nice, good luck with the contest, Rebekah!

  16. Enjoyed reading this! Good luck :)

  17. I love how that last line repeats but the meaning changes! Great job creating such a moody, spooky poem that fits the prompt to a T

  18. I love the first and last lines, very descriptive and a little scary. Good job.

  19. Nice imagery, brining the reader with you, thanks so much for sharing! Sincerely, Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez

  20. Love how the beginning and the end circle back to each other. Nice imagery and spooky tone.

  21. Really good, I love how it circles back but it moves with sight, sound and scary thought of being alone. Good Luck.


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