Thursday, August 3, 2017

Welcome to Olio-li-o!

I couldn't figure out what to call this thing.

Or really what it is.

Definitely not what to focus on.

I like teaching.

I like writing.

I like reading.

I like taking pictures of pretty things that fill up my phone and have to be deleted because I run out of space before I run into motivation.
Pretty thing I did not delete.
I like wasting hours of time on Pinterest-fail-worthy crafts.

Not really.

That's just annoying. But it's what I do.
*  *  *  *   *  *

My dad always has said that he is a jack of all trades, master of none.


We are our parents, aren't we?

So, olio.

Or rather,


Just 'cause it's fun to say.

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  1. Everything you just said is true about me. Weird. It's like you are in my brain. Also, I now feel the need to yodel.

    1. You might saw we're twins, then, ay?

  2. Oleomargarine to me was a term given to a block of Lard with a little food coloring added in. I remember how my hands cramped after kneading in the color to my mother's satisfaction. It looked like butter, spread like butter and almost (just slightly) tasted like butter. I attach a article that got me a truly flashback. KEEP KNEADING

    1. Interesting article! I vaguely remembing about oleo--maybe from you? I used margarine yesterday (usually Im a butter girl!) and thought of you and was very glad I didn't have to go through the kneading process!

  3. Study and cherish everything the good Lord has created. You will be amazed at the joy and satisfaction gleaned.

    1. Amen! Love being a teacher for that reason! I'm always learning something new!

  4. Boy the joy and laughter in the area as people buy and read Cindy's new book.. The reception has been terrific. It is good to get my computer back again too. LuvYa

  5. Sitting here at the computer and I hear the weather alert sounding off in the bedroom. No bad weather around so it must be a test. Oh well, I guess I will get up and click the infernal thing off.

  6. Nice Warm Day! We had a light frost a couple days ago, tops of bananas got burnt but all else fine. Had to get out our Parka anoraks and Mukluk boots to survive the early day. HA! Love you all.....

  7. Here it is mid Feb in SW Florida. Weather has been very nice last few days as low's in the mid 60 range and highs in the low 80's. Garden is mostly in with most veggies up and looking FINE. Slightly cloudy today, but no chance of rain. This is the dry season and we could use a shower or two. Bye for now...........

    1. You can have some of our rain!

      I'm so glad you're feeling well and gardening! Can't wait to see it in June!!


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