Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Writer Wednesday ~ Alexandroid

Yesterday, I shared how to write an alexandroid, a poetry form that The Society of Classical Poets introduced.  Easy-peasy, right?!

Here's my contribution to the alexandroid cause.

Apologies for verb tense abuse.  In my defense, it's hard to write about Star Wars because it all happened so far away, so long ago.    But also it is still happening every time we watch it here in the Hoeft House and each time a new episode comes out.

It's all very confusing.

In Which the Droids Say Enough Is Enough

K-2SO lives, Star Wars Droids are my favorite part of Star WarsSo far away and once upon
          a time there were
Four Droids. With varied brains and brawn
          the foe deter.

The Empire, vile, oft crippled by
          brave, valiant crews;
Their vict'ries claimed with robots sly
          whose charms amuse.

'Twas thought the Jedis would outlast
          the Empire's sins,
But Dark Side's end will come at last:
          Droid Dream Team wins.

Written by: Rebekah Hoeft ~ Copyright 2017 ~ All Rights Reserved

I should mention also that I'm rebelling.  K-2SO lives.

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