Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday Fun ~ 15 Words or Less

Laura Purdie Salas is a blogger who presents a poetry challenge each week called "15 Words or Less." She posts an image as inspiration for her readers' poems.

That have to be 15 words.

Or less.  :)

The poems posted by her readers are encouraged to be first drafts--to avoid the quest for perfection and to just write.

Perfect.  I'm in. 

Yesterday, she posted a photo of a maple tree putting on its fall colors.  So pretty.

Here's mine.  I'm a revise as you go kinda girl so it's not exactly a first draft, but it's a close as I get. I limited myself to ten minutes.

Teachers, she suggests using her photo prompts and only allowing students two or three minutes.

Give it a try, why don't you?

in tree ablaze we see
fiery fall’s finish
winter’s wait
spring’s stirring
summer’s splendor
© 2017 Rebekah Hoeft

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