Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Teacher Tuesday ~ Fog

It's been delightfully foggy in the mornings near the school where I teach and the third and fourth graders are learning about fog, so what's a girl to do except make a slideshow for some of her favorite kids?

Fog ~ Carl Sandburg

The fog comes

on little cat feet.

It sits looking over harbor

and city

on silent haunches                                                           © Doug Blair

and then

moves on.

You can view and use the poem in slideshow form here.
All images, excluding the cat image, were found on Pixabay and are free for commercial use.
"Fog" was written by Carl Sandburg and is in the public domain.
The cat picture belongs to Doug Blair and is used with his permission.

Please follow the Creative Commons copyright rules for content on this page. Thank you!

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