Saturday, November 11, 2017

Friday Fun..Or Not...Because No Doughnut...Plus It's Saturday

Over at Jama's Alphabet Soup, she's talking about doughnuts.  Don't go there.  It's not delightfully doughnutty at all.

I've got muffins coming out of the oven in a minute, hot and surely yummy and smelling good but not nearly as tempting as a delicious doughnut would be.

I have this yearning:
   a gnawing
   a yawning
   a yelling;
   it's deep.

It shouts for
   those fulsome, superior sweets;
   for fine
   and so fatty
   and sugary treats.

Because like likes like,
this crevace needs a cruller.

A holey confection would fill me much  fuller;
   this abyss
   needs the kiss
   of sweet doughnut bliss.

©2017 Rebekah Hoeft


Susanna Leonard Hill's Valentiny Writing Contest - Not So Perfect Valentines

  It's that time of year --  Susanna Leonard Hill's Valentiney writing contest . This year, writers are to compose a Valentine's...