Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sneaky Snoop: A Cautionary Christmas Tale

Last year, Susanna Leonard Hill, blogger and author of the Punxsutawney Phyllis books (among others) hosted her 6th Annual Holiday Contest.  It was a challenge to write a children's story of 300 words or less using the basic concept of the 12 Days of Christmas.  

Super fun.  And challenging to use that form to tell an actual story.  In 300 words or less.  

Better than 250, which is this year's challenge.  You can find more info about this year's challenge here and my entry here.  Hurry if you want to enter--your story is due by 11:59 p.m. tonight!

This was one of my entries from last year-not a winner, but fun to write anyway.  Possibly hard to sing correctly.  Also, I should point out, 292 words---waaayyy under the word limit!  Though I might have been pushing it using whoopity-whoop as one word instead of two.

Sneaky Snoop: A Cautionary Christmas Tale
Ten days before Christmas, I snuck a sneaky snoop:
Found a gift that made me whisper, “Whoop!”

Nine days before Christmas, I snuck a sneaky snoop:
Bright bicycle!
T’was a gift that made me whoopity-whoop!
Eight days before Christmas, I snuck a sneaky snoop:
Yellow yo-yo!
Bright bicycle!
T’was a gift that made me whoopity-whoop!
Seven days before Christmas, I snuck a sneaky snoop:
Wooden slingshot!
Yellow yo-yo!
Bright bicycle!
T’was a gift that made me whoopity-whoop!
Six days before Christmas, I snuck a sneaky snoop:
Wooden slingshot!
Yellow yo-yo!
Bright bicycle!
T’was a gift that made me whoopity-whoop!
Five days before Christmas, I snuck a sneaky snoop:
New underwear.
Wooden slingshot!
Yellow yo-yo!
Bright bicycle!
T’was a gift that made me whoopity-whoop!
Four days before Christmas, I snuck a sneaky snoop:
Ugly scratchy sweater.
New underwear.
Wooden slingshot!
Yellow yo-yo!
Bright bicycle!
T’was a gift that made me whoopity-whoop!
Three days before Christmas, I snuck a sneaky snoop:
Rocks wrapped so nicely.
Ugly scratchy sweater.
New underwear.
Wooden slingshot!
Yellow yo-yo!
Bright bicycle!
T’was a gift that made me whoopity-whoop!
Two days before Christmas, I snuck a sneaky snoop:
Two lumps of coal.
Rocks wrapped so nicely.
Ugly scratchy sweater.
New underwear.
Wooden slingshot!
Yellow yo-yo!
Bright bicycle!
T’was a gift that made me whoopity-whoop!
The day before Christmas, I snuck a sneaky snoop:
Found a note from Mother,
It said, “You think you’re sneaky,
But you are not really.
Your gifts are all rehidden
Might not find them until
It’ll be fun
Since you like
Hunting for your gifts
Merry Christmas, son! I love you, sneaky snoop!”

©2016 Rebekah Hoeft

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