Saturday, February 10, 2018

Susanna Leonard Hill's ValenTINY Contest - Grumpily Yours

It's almost Valentine's Day--time for love and hearts and flowers and cards and Susanna Leonard Hill's annual ValenTINY contest.

Story requirements?
❤ Be written for children
❤ Have a Valentine theme
❤ Contain a character who is hopeful
❤ Be no more than 214 words long



But fun. Give it a try. Just make sure it's in by Valentine's Day. And only 214 words. :)

Grumpily Yours
214 words

Miss Springtide chirped cheerily.  “Today we’ll create coffers of cordiality, crates of consideration…”


“We’re making Valentine’s mailboxes.”

“Ohhhhhh.”  Her students smiled.  

Except Vern.

“Gross,” he grouched.  

“Utilize your superior skills to appraise the dimensions of your receptacles to ensure felicitous fits,” Miss Springtide directed.


“She means measure so your paper fits,” Vern grumbled.

“Ohhhhhhh.”  They got busy, choosing cheery colors.  Vern chose grey.

“I hope no one gives me anything,” he muttered while measuring.

I’m not giving anyone anything,” while cutting and complaining.

“Hmmph,” he groused as he glued.

All week, the class created their  cards.

Vern ignored the bustle but noticed when classmates delivered their creations.  

He grudgingly helped a few kids whose boxes were falling apart and those who forgot how to spell a word for their valentines.  

He started to hope they wouldn’t notice he hadn’t made any.

The day before Valentine’s, Vern asked Miss Springtide for paper.

“Indubitably,” she said.

On Valentine’s, the children dumped out their boxes and looked through their cards.  

The room quieted.

Vern felt his classmates’ eyes.    He looked up.  Each student held a beautiful card made with a rainbow of different-sized hearts.

“I hope you like them,” Vern said shyly, but meant “I hope you like me.”

Their smiles told him they did.

© Rebekah Hoeft February 2018

Not a finalist but thanks for the fun, Susanna!


  1. Cute story. Glad to see a good ending for Vern. Best of luck.

  2. Nice use of alliteration! Good luck with the contest.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Haha! I enjoyed that one. Both Vern coming out of his shell and Miss Springtide not losing her enthusiasm when faced with blank stares. Good luck with the contest.

  5. Replies
    1. He's kinda my son, who is alternately sweet and grumpy about all things lovey.

  6. I love love love the word indubitably. LOVE it. That word is just so great and fits the story to a T. Excellent.

    1. Thanks! It was stuck in my head after reading the most recent interview at TLD!

  7. Aw, Vern has a rainbow heart after all! Well done! Good luck in the contest!

  8. Awww, I've fallen for Vern! How sweet!

  9. Whoops! Deleted a comment while using my phone to blog. Apologies to the person who left it--you weren't spammy--I'm just fumblefingered in the a.m. !

  10. Hi Rebekah - well done ... Vern obviously is a hidden heart-throb ... loved the story - so glad he was the hero ... cheers Hilary

  11. Lovely tale! I hope Vern found some Valentines in his box too, after he was such a help to his classmates and made them such beautiful cards! Good luck!

  12. Such a cute story, Bekah! Vern's personality comes through so believably! You did a fabulous job making him seem grumpy, but at the same time he is helpful... and hopeful. My favorite line: “I hope you like them,” Vern said shyly, but meant “I hope you like me.” Perfect! And I love the way Miss Springtide talks... and has to be interpreted :) Thanks so much for a wonderful entry!

    1. Thanks, Susanna! This was a fun one to write--a rough start and completely different story I couldn't possibly fit into 214 words--and then Vern arrived to save the day.

      Thanks for hosting this--such fun!


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