Friday, February 16, 2018

Writing Contest Tip

Last year, for Susanna Leonard Hill's Valentiny contest, I wrote a story about a mom and daughter planning a special Valentine's dinner.

It was well over the 214 word limit.

Shocking, I know.

So I edited and tweaked and hacked mercilessly and got it down to the required 214 words.

I was proud.

I submitted it blithefully. Win or lose, I was content, knowing I'd written a Valentiny story that fit the requirements and told the story I wanted to tell.

But then...


Pro amateur tip:

When writing stories for contests that have a set theme (like "write a Valentine's story") and a short word limit which requires a purging of many words (so many words), make sure you hold on to a few that, you know, fit the theme.

Like "Valentine's dinner" and "special Valentine's dessert" or "Valentine's Day  was doubly-filled with double scoops of love."   

Cheesy but effective in actually writing a Valentine's Day story.

This is what I submitted, all 214 non-Valentiny words of it. 

Surprise, Surprise!!

Mama and Heidi were done with the checkup. They both got a lollipop for being so nice to the doctor.

Mama smiled. “Let’s save these for Daddy and give them to him as a surprise with our news when he comes home.”

Heidi didn’t want to give up her lollipop, but the news was great and she loved surprising people, so she agreed.

They planned a special supper with pizzas and salads. By the time Daddy arrived, their plan was complete.

Mama and Heidi greeted Daddy at the door.

“Hi hi, Daddy, Daddy,” Heidi shouted, jumping from behind the couch, giving him two big squeezers.

“Hi, hi, sweetie, sweetie,” Mama said with a grin.

Daddy looked at them suspiciously. “How are you two?”

“Great, great,” Heidi said, hopping up and down and giggling.

Mama said, “Time for dinner dinner!”

During dinner, Mama and Heidi kept talking in their silly doubletalk. Daddy just chuckled and shook his head.

Finally, when they handed Daddy their lollipops for dessert, Daddy asked why they weren’t having ice cream as usual.

“We thought you might like a surprise from my doctor doctor,” Mama said.

Daddy stopped. He stared. He knew. He hugged them both.

“I love love you,” whispered Heidi to her new twin brothers, hugging her mama’s belly.

©2017 Rebekah Hoeft

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