Sunday, November 24, 2019

Funny and Smart

Michelle, over at Today's Little Ditty, interviewed Kate O'Neil, an Australian poet. Kate challenged Michelle's readers "to write a poem based on the sheer delight of words at play: malapropisms, ambiguities, unintended meanings, puns, clichés, etc." You can find the interview and a padlet to post your own poems here.

I'm an appreciator of word play, but not a pun professional like my siblings and husband. This was a bit of struggle but fun once I found a joke to use. Feel no shame if you have to search the web for puns and jokes to try this challenge!

I Guess I'm the Funny and Smart One

Mom thinks my sister Lily is intelligent,
but then I asked why mountains feel so tired.
She shrugged; I smiled, “Because they do not Everest.”
I’d hoped she’d screech and say I was inspired.
Lil had no clue that I was being comical.
She didn’t catch my grin and great big winks.
Instead, she strangely said, “That’s so hill areas.”
Poor girl is not as smart as my mom thinks.

©Rebekah Hoeft November 2019

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