Saturday, February 22, 2020

Crunchy Puddles Are Crunchalicious!

Picture by blabla5 from Pixabay

On winter walks
on crisp cold mornings
my favorite part
of frozen gravel paths
is finding
rumpled edges
and shallow ditches
where skims of
clouded ice
hang waiting for
my ice-searching
foot to
smash crash crinkle crackle crunch through
to the hollow space beneath.
© Rebekah Hoeft February 2020

Michelle, over at Today's Little Ditty, interviewed Buffy Silverman.  Buffy is a Michigan author who writes nonfiction books and poetry for children--sometimes combining the two.  You can find out more about her work on her website.

Buffy has a new book called On a Snow-Melting Day:  Seeking Signs of Spring.  It's full of photographs and beautiful words that make you feel like spring is right around the corner!

Buffy challenged Michelle's readers to write a poem that uses combined or invented words.  Head to Michelle's February padlet for examples or to post one of your own.

I gave it a try with the above free verse poem about crunchy puddles, which are in my top 10 things that make me happy during the cold months.

Thanks, Michelle, for posting it on your site.  Seeing it there was as thrilling as stepping through a crinkle crackling puddle! 


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