Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Susanna Leonard Hill's Valentiny 2020 - Heart Hunt

It's that time of year--Valentiny time over at Susanna Leonard Hill's blog! 

Write a teeny-tiny children's story following these basic rules:
💜Make it tiny--214 words or less!
💜Make sure it is Valentine's story.
💜Make sure it includes someone who feels curiosity.

You can find more information at her blog.

Heart Hunt
214 words

Samuel shook his sister.  “Josie. Wake up.”

“Samuel,” Josephine grumbled, “it’s not dignified to be shaken.  Kindly desist.
“Princess Josephine, your royal presence is requested on a scavenger hunt.  Might you get up NOW?!”

Josephine popped up.  “To find what?”

Samuel shrugged, holding up a heart-shaped card with glimmering, golden words: ‘Head to the HEARTh.’  “Mother and Father left this before they set out for the Valentine’s ball.”

They ran to the great room.  There they found a warm fire and another card.

Josephine read:  'Go where cLOVErleaf grows.'

“The meadow!”  

Once ready, they crossed the moat to the snowy meadow.  Josephine sighed. “I wish Herbert was here. He loved adventures.”  

Samuel’s eyes grew hot with tears.  “I know. But he had to go. He didn’t like scaring people.”

The next crimson clue hung from a snowy branch on the edge of the meadow.

'Find your HEART’s desire where foxgLOVE’s found first.'

Josephine wondered.  “The only thing my heart desires is -- Oh!  Maybe through the woods…”

“ the cave!  Do you think…?”

“I do.  Let’s go!” 

They ran until they reached the cave. 

Curled in the clearing was their dragon.  


A golden heart around his neck read: 'Herbert’s here to stay. Happy Valentine’s Day!'

Herbert purred as they gave him a welcome-home hug.

Update: Not a finalist :) but there are some stories you can read at Susanna's blog that did make it to the finals! Read for fun or you can read for fun AND to vote by February 22, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.


  1. I love the idea of being able to hug a dragon!! Cute story. Good luck!

    1. I think it would be a warm though maybe not a very squishy cuddly hug. More of a strengthening, reassuring type hug. :)

  2. A treasure hunt full of heart and love. Well done!

  3. This was so clever. Well done! Best wishes on the contest!

  4. Replies
    1. It's such a fun one to say. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Aw, dragons, clues, valentines. Love it all! Good luck!

  6. Very cute - great tension in 200 words!

    1. So.hard. I felt the opposite, after cutting a gazillion words. So thanks for the encouragement!

  7. yay for Herbert! Love the hunt clues and sweet ending!

  8. Great suspense ! Loved going on the hunt for Herbert :)

  9. A scavenger hunt! What a great way to show curiosity! I'm glad they followed their hearts and found their beloved Herbert :) Thanks for joining in the Valentiny fun, Rebekah!

    1. Thanks, Susanna! And thank you for another challenging challenge.


Susanna Leonard Hill's Valentiny Writing Contest - Not So Perfect Valentines

  It's that time of year --  Susanna Leonard Hill's Valentiney writing contest . This year, writers are to compose a Valentine's...