Sunday, February 13, 2022

Get Well Soon, Mrs. Love -- Susanna Leonard Hill's 2022 Valentiny Contest

It's contest time over at Susanna Leonard Hill's blog. The rules?  Write a tiny story with a Valentine theme where a character feels pride. And keep it to 214 words or less.

I wrote a story about some kids who worked hard on Valentine presents for their teacher, who has to miss the classroom party becausw she's sick.

♥️ ♥️ ♥️

Get Well Soon, Mrs. Love
214 words

“Mrs. Love shouldn’t miss our party AND presents,” Ingrid said indignantly.

Omar agreed. “We worked hard on her gifts. Could you deliver them?”

Everyone looked at me, knowing I lived on our teacher’s street. I felt nervous but to cheer her up, I agreed.

On the way, I practiced the poem I’d written. I knocked, holding out the box of gifts when she tiredly opened the door.

Shyly I stammered, “…H-h-happy Valentine’s Day.

Bertha and Bree made a card with pink beads.
Eve shaped a heart for your birds with some seeds.

Omar and Oak wrote a Valentine’s joke.
Ume’s heart sculpture was great (till it broke).
Rue drew a lovebug so cute and so weird.

Von’s homemade chocolate has – GASP! – disappeared.
Anamaria recorded a song.
Lex penned a letter but spelled your name wrong.
Elle made a crown with those jewels that stick.
Neal’s heart is HEAVY with paint smeared on thick.
Tula thought tulips would be your delight.
Ingrid felt strongly that roses were right.
None of us like that you’re out with the flu.
Each of our presents say we sure love you!"

Mrs. Love beamed. “I’ve never been more happy to be your teacher. Thank you.”

She waved and I walked away, bursting with pride that we’d made her smile.

♥️ ♥️ ♥️

If you missed this year's contest, try out Susanna's other holiday writing contests in October and December.  

Happy Valentine's Day!

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