Thursday, April 4, 2019

Catching Up With A Poem A Day Challenge

I'm catching up today.

It's silly to feel behind during this completely self-imposed challenge but I do, so since I'm in charge of this here blog, I'm posting twice in a day.  

Today's catch up poem (more like what I call a piece of prosetry: writing that is more like prose but looks like a poem) is inspired by the phrase 'catch up.'

I've got this kid in my class who works her tushie off to completely understand any concept I teach and is not satisfied with guessing or hurrying through. Consequently, she doesn't finish anything first.   Which is just fine in my book because she's got diligence and a heart for wisdom and true learning.  

Which means she's got my heart.

Catch Up
I know,
they want me
to catch up.
And sometimes,
you know,
I want
to catch up
I have to take things slow--
it's the way I grow.
Rebekah Hoeft 2019

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