Thursday, April 4, 2019

Day 4, Poem 3 of a Poem a Day for National Poetry Month

For this poem, I looked to's Word of the Day for inspiration.  Today's word is multiverse, which means "a hypothetical collection of identical or diverse universes, including our own."

Being a sci-fi kind of girl, I decided to go with a parallel universe poem, in limerick form.

'Cause nothing says science fiction like a limerick.   ☺

Filters...The final frontier. 
Excellent everywhere in the galaxy.
To be honest, this read EXACTLY like a limerick precoffee.  But now, mere hours later, it's a clunker unless you read it just so.  Which means this post has become  an anecdote for the lesson all poeming people learn the hard way:  let things simmer.  It's best not to throw your words to the world without a little time to notice the complete horror of what  bad meter brings to your poem.  

I suppose I could delete this.  But nah.   

*Grits teeth.*

That is not what this month is for.  

It's for embarrassment and hideous poetry.   

Just kidding.  :)  

For me,  it's for the joy of writing. And practicing throwing my words to the world.  


Cringing and moving on.

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