Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Happy National Poetry Month!

Happy National Poetry Month!

I'm planning on writing a quick children'sish poem a day.  I say quick which means not perfect and barely edited.  :)

Last year's poetry month plans went south fast, so we'll see if my resolve resolves.

I should mention I'm a day late so already the outcome seems a little grim.

Play along if you wish with your own quick, not perfected poems.

Today's poem is a nonet: nine lines. First line nine syllables, second line eight syllables..and so on and so forth until line nine, which is one syllable.

It can rhyme.  Or not.
Have rhythm. Or not.

Be any subject.

Some may say it's barely a poem.

Maybe true.  But fun to write.

Cheesy background?
I say classy background.

Today's poem brought to you by Amelia Shearer, who assigned me a word (sprouted) ever so nicely, because I asked. 

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